Entrepreneur enthusiast Cameron Herold spoke recently at TEDx Edmonton’s conference on April 5, 2010. In “Raising Kids to Be Entrepreneurs” he points out that many kids are lost in the traditional education system:
We teach our kids to go after really good jobs. The school system teaches them to go after things like being a doctor or being a lawyer . . . And the media says it’s cool if we could go out and be a model or a singer or a sports hero.
Herold then admits that he has eighteen of nineteen signs of Attention Deficit Disorder and performed poorly in school. Neither a traditional nor media-inspired job worked for him. However, he is now one of the country’s most respected business leaders.
How did he achieve such success? Herold points out that he comes from a family of business owners that encouraged him to try out-of-the-box ideas. To the youth in the audience, he says:
The world is changing and the creative and entrepreneur economy is here. It’s a new world where ideas, knowledge, creativity and entrepreneurship rule. Where community trumps geography, where small is the new big, and where innovation and entrepreneurial savviness is so much more valuable.
Currently, the traditional public school model does little to encourage self sufficiency and a can-do attitude. For this reason many parents and students today are looking for non-traditional educational sources, such as online classes.
To watch the speech in its entirety, visit YouTube: Cameron Herold
For more on TED, a nonprofit organization devoted to “Ideas Worth Spreading,” visit www.TED.com. Notable speakers at TED events include Bill Gates, Al Gore, Jane Goodall, Elizabeth Gilbert, Isabel Allende and UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown.
MLA Citation
TEDxEdmonton – Cameron Herold . 13 March 2010. YouTube. Web. 27 April 2010.