
Schools Experiment with Work From Home posted the following article,, about having students work from home.


Less Homework is More!!!

Wednesday night, my 4th grade year….. Like every night, 20 – 30 minutes of math homework.  Sometimes, there would be social studies or science.  However, Wednesday night was the toughest


Your Top Job Options

A great career starts with a plan of action! Start by deciding what interests you most and then start researching how to achieve your goal. Here are some options to


The Entrepreneur Economy

Entrepreneur enthusiast Cameron Herold spoke recently at TEDx Edmonton’s conference on April 5, 2010. In “Raising Kids to Be Entrepreneurs” he points out that many kids are lost in the

Order transcript

Resolute: Firm, Steadfast, Unwavering

The greatness of America was born in the hearts and dreams of individuals cherishing the one belief…. Hope in a better tomorrow.  The resolute commitment to this dream caused the


Schooling in the Modern Age

What’s the point of memorizing a list of names, dates, and facts if you’ve got ubiquitous access to Google? Why not spend your time learning how to use tools like

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