High School

High School Dropout?

If you’re dropped out of high school it’s not too late to earn your diploma. Take the first step to improving your standard of living today.

Are you one of the thousands of students let down by the current educational system in Texas?

Being labeled a “high school dropout” can have serious ramifications on your life — many struggle with depression, and most automatically earn lower wages or have trouble getting hired at jobs they desire.

Resolute Academy is here to help. We’ve developed a foolproof system to help high school dropouts finish their high school diploma and start improving their standard of living today. Our classes are straightforward, fun, and teach you skills that you’ll actually use in the real world. And since all of our classes are online and we keep our overhead low, we can offer these classes at a fraction of the cost of a traditional school.

You can take the first step toward success today!

No STAAR Needed!


High School

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